Tom & Jerry's Pest Control

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Drywood Termites

Tent fumigations are the only proven way to eliminate drywood termite colonies. The fumigant spreads into every crack and crevice of a structure, penetrating into the pores of the wood to reach the air termites breathe. There's no way termites can survive.

Most other exterminators only provide "spot treatments," which only reach accessible areas in the property and produce partial or temporary results. These unreliable methods are a gamble because the technicians, who are not state-certified fumigators, are likely to miss many of the termites' points of entry. Too often, the termite problems resurface because the exterminators couldn't reach all the hidden areas.

At Tom & Jerry's, we won't gamble with your home. We use only Vikane ®, with over a 50 year proven track record.

Why don't most other exterminators offer tent fumigations? First, tent fumigations require certified fumigators. Second, the fumigants are much more expensive. Also, the spot treatments carry much less liability for the exterminators.

Many exterminators try to mislead customers into thinking that spot treatments work as effectively as tent fumigations. When customers insist on tent fumigations, they hire sub-contractors to do the work. At Tom & Jerry's, we don't sub-contract any of our work. Our clients can rest assured knowing that when they call us, one of our licensed fumigators will do the work and our company is completely accountable and liable for the results. All our work is backed by our Guarantee for tent fumigations and our Commitment to Excellence.